A tributary, by nature, feeds a larger body of water.  In this vein, it is our desire to be a small contribution to the greater creative community.  Our philosophy for Tributary Collective is simple.  It’s our shared belief that homes are sanctuaries for our souls, cocoons for our families, and a warm embrace for our friends. The pieces within our collections contribute to making homes both intimate and curated.

Through our digital journal, we will be digging deeper into our collections, while unearthing what fills our creative cups. Over the past few decades, we have filled and emptied these cups through various careers and interests.  The challenge of balancing jobs, families, and making time and space for the innate desire to create is relatable to many. Whether it’s relaying a conversation with an artisan or recounting a trip where we felt truly inspired, we will share it here. Kate and I are just as fascinated with how someone’s journey unfolds, as we are with their original intent or their end result.  The value of everything multiplies when its story is told.

Even more than the pieces we find, we love the connection between a memorable event or gathered possession and the emotion it evokes. For instance, instead of discussing hosting a party, we might reflect on the joy of welcoming guests.  When we share a book recommendation, we may discuss the challenge of carving out time to read.  Rather than just making a recipe, we will look at the importance of sharing a meal. 

Our upcoming journal entry will dive into what making home can mean.  Why is feeling at home so life giving and necessary for comfort? We look forward to sharing, learning, and growing with you along the way.


